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Lane Keep Assist (LKA) is an auto driving system that is intended to prevent crashes and protect the driver from dangerous situations. Its functions include steering the car back into the lane, warning the driver of lane drifting, and stopping the vehicle when the lane line is approaching.
There are several lane keep systems, including those from Mercedes and Ford. These systems detect a drifting vehicle with a camera and alert the driver via visual and audible feedback. Some vehicles also send pulsing sensations to the driver’s seat. They can be adjusted to operate with less sensitivity. They are not a substitute for a human driver, but they are a valuable tool for drowsy drivers.
Some lane keep systems are more sensitive than others. They can be set to only activate when the lane is about to cross. Others will only trigger when the vehicle has gone out of its lane. Some lane keep systems also come with a button that can be pushed to turn the system off. This can make the lane keep assist function feel unnatural. It may even trigger a false warning.
A lane keep assist system is made possible through the use of a forward-facing camera that is mounted behind the rear view mirror. This camera will constantly scan the road ahead to check for lane lines. If the camera sees the contrast between the white line and dark surface, it will alert the driver. If the driver fails to respond to the system, the lane keep assistant will disengage.
There are many reasons a driver might swerve out of a lane on the highway. Some reasons include poor weather conditions, such as rain or snow. During inclement weather, the car might not be able to detect lane markings. In addition, if a lane marker is faded or obscured, the LKA may not be able to alert the driver. Other reasons a driver might swerve off the road are a lack of visibility, low speed stop-and-go driving, or an inattention by the driver.
The lane keeping assist systems are designed to operate when the vehicle is moving faster than 37 miles per hour. Some cars may also have adjustable sensitivity, so that the system can be turned on and off more easily.
Some lane keep assist systems are designed to vibrate the steering wheel and send pulsing sensations to the front of the car. Other systems will beep and splutter, or they might even produce a sound. In some cases, the system will even vibrate the sides of the driver’s seat. If the driver fails to deactivate the system, it can become annoying and distracting.
When the system is in active mode, it will display a green or orange light depending on the sensitivity of the lane keep assist. It will either display a graphic image of the car between parallel lines, or it will show the lane markings. The warning indicator is usually either an orange or green light, but it can also be a flashing light or a beep.
Keeping your ADAS System properly calibrated is the key to proper LKA usage. After any repairs are done to your windshield it is important that you have your system properly calibrated. At Miracle Auto Glass we have ADAS calibration on site and can have your system properly working the same day as your repair. Visit us or call for more details.