Who is Liable for Road Debris Windshield Damage?

3 Reasons to Fix Your Windshield As Soon As Possible
When having a windshield replaced, there is also an option to add a sunscreening device. There are certain requirements in Texas when it comes to adding a sunscreening device. The government of Texas includes the requirements in adding a sunscreening device in a windshield in its Window Tint Standards.
An article on DPS.Texas.gov provides the tinting standards in Texas, which can be found in Texas Administrative Code, Title 37, Part 1, Rule 21.3.
Tinting Standards for Windshields
According to the article, there are five conditions that need to be met to be able to add sunscreen devices to a windshield.
The first one is to ensure that a sunscreening device is applied above the AS-1 line. If the windshield does not have an AS-1 line, a sunscreen device must end five inches below the top of the windshield.
The second condition is to avoid applying a sunscreening device that is red, amber or blue in color. The third condition is for a sunscreening device to have at least 25 percent light transmittance value when measured in combination with the original glass.
The fourth condition is for a sunscreening device to have a luminous reflectance value of 25 percent is less when measured in combination with the original glass. The fifth condition is to allow application of clear (un-tinted) film anywhere on the front without a medical exemption being required.
In need of a (windshield repair) or replacement service? Miracle Auto Glass Center offers quality windshield repair and replacement jobs. The company employs (windshield repair)and replacement technicians with over 10 years of experience in the field.
The company also offers a discount coupon that can be used for the repair of a (broken windshield). The coupon is available on the company website. And, the company is also affiliated with many insurance companies and can assist customers in their insurance claims.
Get a free online estimate for a rear (windshield repair) or replacement now!